Monday’s Juice

FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: DNC CHAIR TOM PEREZ is endorsing Puerto Rico statehood. Perez, who has two siblings born in Puerto Rico, said in a statement provided to Playbook that he believes Puerto Ricans should have the same rights as those on the mainland and that his personal view is that statehood is the best method to provide full representation in government and equal rights.

STOPTERRORNOW.ORG is dropping $100,000 for a USA Today ad as part of its campaign to push Trump and Congress to put political and economic pressure on Qatar. The full-page ad is an open-letter from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews founder and president Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. It also includes digital ads on the USA Today website. The ad

BRITTANY BRAMELL has left Uber, and is starting today at TSA as the assistant administrator of public affairs.


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